Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Being a doctor...

Being a doctor is not what it seems. I always thought after medical school that the worst is over, that from then on everything will be smooth and I will be content with my working life. But alas, with the money comes more and more responsibility and here I am now, caught in the middle, burdened between my family's financial situation and my own. But thankfully, I still find pleasure in what I do, and at the darkest of nights when my hands are covered in blood and a life has just been saved, the feeling of content and satisfaction over a days works still washes over me as I wash my hands in the sink. These moments are fleeting, the pleasure almost surreal, since the exhaustion physically and mentally overwhelms everything else. Why did I chose to be a doctor? I have forgotten. It has been a long and winding road which has made me numb.

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